
My name is Tessa Walsh. I am a digital preservationist and software developer based in Montréal. I use she/her and they/them pronouns.

I currently work as Senior Applications and Tools Engineer at Webrecorder, where I develop and maintain free and open source web archiving tools for all.

Prior to joining Webrecorder, I was a software developer at Artefactual Systems, where I worked on the free and open source Archivematica and Access to Memory (AtoM) projects and related tools, and helped a wide range of clients meet their digital preservation, archival management, and access needs.

In my previous professional life, I developed and implemented digital preservation programs as Digital Preservation Librarian at Concordia University and Digital Archivist at the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

I also maintain several free and open source software projects that support digital preservation and curation activities such as Brunnhilde and Bulk Reviewer, and enjoy software development using programming languages and frameworks like Python, Django, FastAPI, JavaScript/TypeScript, Vue.js, and Lit.

I am a recipient of a 2019 NDSA Excellence Award (originally NDSA Individual Innovation Award) and was a 2018 Summer Fellow at the Library Innovation Lab at Harvard University.

Some of my interests and areas of expertise include:

  • Digital architecture and design records
  • Management of sensitive information in digital archives
  • Environmental sustainability of digital preservation
  • Web archiving
  • Digital preservation and curation workflows
  • Digital forensics
  • Digital preservation repository system planning and design

Interviews, mentions of my work, and examples of my software in use include: